Preorder discount! Buy now and save 10%
In celebration of the upcoming launch of Act 3, the final chapter in the DestinyQuest Infinite saga, we’re offering a preorder discount. Until Friday, all sales of the full DestinyQuest Infinite series are 10% off. Remember, Act 3 will be made public on Monday, September 14. All copies of Act 3 purchased now will be unlocked then. In addition, you …
September 8, 2015 Tuesday at 12:00 pm
Act 3 has a new demo!
One of the criticisms we’ve gotten from reviewers is that the DestinyQuest Infinite demo isn’t very involved. Since it’s two Act 1 quests, it’s meant to be a friendly introduction to DestinyQuest – you start out with no equipment or special abilities. That makes it easy to figure out, but you don’t get to see what an actual, full-on quest …
September 2, 2015 Wednesday at 8:00 am
StoryLab update: write your own adventures!
This time, we’re taking a break from our regular DestinyQuest Infinite announcements to update you on StoryLab – a way to write your own gamebooks! What is StoryLab? StoryLab is a tool to make your own gamebooks. StoryLab lets you give your readers the power to make choices, pick up items, roll the dice, and much, much more. Write gamebooks …
August 5, 2015 Wednesday at 9:39 am
[Micro post] Marketing vs. development: Which comes first for you?
Happy weekend everyone! Today, I’m asking a question to all you gamebook writers/game developers. Which is your top priority: Marketing or development?
July 25, 2015 Saturday at 12:29 pm
Is planning a gamebook like designing a tabletop campaign?
May 12, 2015 Tuesday at 10:31 am