DestinyQuest Infinite: Act 3 is out – get the FULL GAMEBOOK today!
No more waiting! DestinyQuest Infinite: Act 3 is out TODAY! With the final piece in place, you can buy the full gamebook and jump into the action right now. If you already own Acts 1 or 2 (or both) you can grab Act 3 for a fraction of the full price and carry your hero over to the final showdown. What …
September 14, 2015 Monday at 5:00 am
Words, wands, and explosive pigs: our favorite weapons
When you rush into battle, what weapon do you hold at the ready? Do you have your trusty blade at your side? Do you fling magic spells at your opponent? Or does the enemy never see your weapon? A while ago I asked on Twitter what kind of weapons everyone prefers. I got some…creative responses. Below are some of your …
September 1, 2015 Tuesday at 8:00 am
DestinyQuest Infinite 2.0 is here
Hi all, We’ve been working on DQI 2.0, a collection of new updates for fans. While most of these updates are under the hood, we’ve also added a few design tweaks you might like. tl; dr: All of the DQI 2.0 updates are now live, so your DQI game will have them now! Here are 2:
August 24, 2015 Monday at 6:30 am
Closed beta for the final act of DQI starts this Friday!
We’ve got a little surprise for some of our most loyal fans (don’t tell them!): Anyone who bought DestinyQuest Infinite early at one of the top tiers and joined our Inner Circle will have early access to Act 3 starting this Friday, August 14th. And for all the rest of you who’ve already ordered DQI Acts 1, 2, or 3: Thank …
August 11, 2015 Tuesday at 12:23 pm
StoryLab update: write your own adventures!
This time, we’re taking a break from our regular DestinyQuest Infinite announcements to update you on StoryLab – a way to write your own gamebooks! What is StoryLab? StoryLab is a tool to make your own gamebooks. StoryLab lets you give your readers the power to make choices, pick up items, roll the dice, and much, much more. Write gamebooks …
August 5, 2015 Wednesday at 9:39 am