
Michael J Ward

Is planning a gamebook like designing a tabletop campaign?

Yuliya wonders: how similar is writing a gamebook to crafting a good tabletop campaign?Continue reading →

DestinyQuest Infinite: Act 2 is out TODAY! Continue your adventures…

You survived Act 1 (or maybe you didn’t..!) Find out what awaits you in Act 2…Continue reading →

Dev Diary: Your questions, answered.

We got some questions on Twitter. Here are the answers.Continue reading →

Dev Diary: You can never have too much change

If we weren’t still changing our design, it would mean we’re not listening to fans. Our ears are open! New user experience redesign is in the works.Continue reading →

Striking a balance: Luck vs Skill

How do you balance luck and skill in a game that heavily relies on both? We asked for Michael Ward’s input.Continue reading →