Dev Diary: Take a virtual tour of our office
Since the beginning of the summer we’ve upgraded our office from “a corner in our respective homes.” If you follow us on Twitter you may have seen the occasional photo of the books we’ve brought here in an effort to make it feel more like home.
Also tea. Yuliya keeps bringing tea.
We love the ability to project our internal thoughts into the physical space of the office. The result is that our walls are covered in random printouts and post-its. We’re still chipping away at various bugs and figuring out the new user interface so we don’t have much to show in that capacity, so we thought we’d give you a tour of the office instead.
This is the status wall:
This wall helps us easily keep track of what’s on everyone’s plates, and what our priorities are.
On the other side of the office we have a few odds and ends.
There’s a flowchart for where to report different kinds of bugs, a few programming printouts, and our favorite, a design feedback bother scale:
A small part of our wall is dedicated to some thoughts on pricing, but that will be announced when we’ve figured everything out and are ready for it!
September 19, 2014 Friday at 3:27 pm