Act 3 has a new demo!
One of the criticisms we’ve gotten from reviewers is that the DestinyQuest Infinite demo isn’t very involved. Since it’s two Act 1 quests, it’s meant to be a friendly introduction to DestinyQuest – you start out with no equipment or special abilities. That makes it easy to figure out, but you don’t get to see what an actual, full-on quest with accompanying battles looks like.
For those of you looking for something more involved, we’ve been working on a demo of an Act 3 quest. We’re excited to reveal that that demo, The Warning, is DONE, and you can play it FREE here.
Note: If you haven’t played DQI before, we suggest playing the Act 1 demo first – the Act 3 demo features a lot of extra equipment and abilities.
Let us know what you think in the forums, or email us at questforge@adventurecow.com! And no, we will not make every quest in Act 3 available as a demo. 😛
September 2, 2015 Wednesday at 8:00 am