Dev Diary: Tales of Decembers Past
That’s right, after a month of not having any dev diaries because we were too busy, we decide to post one on the day after Christmas.
So let’s do a recap of the entire month: We made a trailer. We soft launched. Not too many things broke. We’ve been getting some really helpful feedback from a number of you, so thank you and please keep it up.
Since the coding aspect of the game was mostly done, Chris has temporarily taken off his Programmer Hat (it’s all elegant and fancy) and donned the Marketing Hat (it’s well-worn and a little moth eaten). We’ve been checking out forums, boards, and other media outlets. (If you know of anyone or any place that would be interested in news about DestinyQuest Infinite, do let us know!).
This means things should be quiet but in reality everything is in overdrive. Who knew that just making a game is only half the job? Somehow our to-do lists are still in the double digits (though frankly, this might be an improvement for Chris).
Now that everything works correctly, we are beginning to look at things on our bucket list, like offline mode. Once we’re through the things that belong to the top Priority Level, we’ll move on to even more fun things, like maybe this idea we threw out on Twitter.
Our priority levels have priority levels.
Just when Chris thought he could heave a sigh of relief for finally being finished with DQI, things just keep going. One day, Chris, you’ll be released of your DestinyQuest Infinite brand shackles. For now, tomorrow’s a new day, next week’s a new year, and this is only the beginning.
Happy holidays and a happy new year from the QuestForge Team!
December 26, 2014 Friday at 1:09 pm