Dev Diary: sound player woes
We’re back to debugging (Chris is digging through bug reports as you read this!), but one noteworthy problem we’ve overcome this week is an iframe issue. Every time you come across a battle in DQI, a combat window appears over the main page:
When the battle is over, the window is closed and you move on to the next page in the story. The problem was that the windows weren’t actually closed, just minimized. They continued running in the background and using resources, like the sound player. There’s a limit to how many instances of the sound player a browser can have running at one time (in Chrome that’s 6), so after 6 fights we’d get an error message.
Chris and Jessica fixed this to clear the window dialogues on continuation to the next page, and the problem seems to be resolved. Of course now we’re getting a whole new issue from that which warranted a new bug.. but slowly but surely we’re making progress!
Also Chris is back so Yuliya and Jessica have to go back to eating good food for lunch like responsible adults (spoilsport!).
September 26, 2014 Friday at 2:35 pm